Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Explosions in the Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone (2007)

  • Genres: Rock, Music, Adult Alternative, Prog-Rock/Art Rock, Alternative, Indie Rock
  • Released: Feb 20,2007

Album Review

Known for bringing an emotional heft and sense of hope to a usually placid genre, Explosions In The Sky have experienced the kind of meteoric rise in popularity that flies in the face of music industry convention. Their songs are too long for radio play or commercial music videos; they avoid performing in LiveNation/Clear Channel venues; they didn't jump to a major label; and they don't sing. After scoring the film "Friday Night Lights", they took two years to work on this record, which is a massive leap forward, showcasing a broader instrumental range and their most focused, efficient songwriting. RIYL: Radiohead, Sigur Ros, Mogwai, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Mono.

Track List

01 The Birth and Death of the Day
02 Welcome, Ghosts
03 It's Natural to Be Afraid
04 What Do You Go Home To_
05 Catastrophe and the Cure
06 So Long, Lonesome



http://www.fileserve.com/file/5ETFJDX/All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone.rar



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